Congress, State, and Local politicians always fight against having a Constitutional Convention because it takes the power away from them and gives it back to us, the people, where it belongs. Remember, our Constitution was to made so that we the people had all the power and to limit our government's power! Please donate whatever you can because we are going to need an army of paid professionals and volunteers to have our Constitution changed to better serve, we the people.
The "Fix It" Bill aims to fix the problems that did not exist at the time that our Constitution was created and to also clarify ambiguous Amendments.
Below is a list we believe will fix our most pressing issues so that we can stop fighting with each other and get on with living our best lives in peace and the pursuit of happiness.
If you have something that you want to add to the "Fix It" Bill, send us an e-mail and let us know. It must be something that you believe 70% of Americans will support. We want to get the "Fix It" Bill passed as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Let's get started. The proposals are below.
Bills must be posted in public media, that is, online, print, or other media that is easily accessible to the public. Bills must be posted 90 days before they are submitted to Congress for official votes. All edits and final drafts must be posted 90 days before official votes. Drafts shall include strikeouts and redlines. All Bills shall address only one issue per Bill. For example, money to fund a war in another country shall only address military spending and have an itemized breakdown of how the money will be spent and have an auditor assigned to follow and watch the money; it shall not include funding for immigration.
Fix Our Taxes
Have just one tax! Eliminate all taxes (income, lottery, property*, payroll, capital gains, corporate, inheritance, etc.) and have just a national sales tax that shall always remain at 3%. Congress can lower the sales tax but it shall never rise beyond a flat 3%. For example, Congress decides to lower it to 1% but later decide they need to raise it. They shall only be allowed to raise it no more than 2% to put the federal sales tax back at its maximum of 3%. The federal sales tax shall remain at, no higher than, 3% in perpetuity. For the people who say that 3% won't generate enough money, well, only half of the people in the United States are paying the taxes for the whole country and that includes our taxes covering costs for benefits for people in the country illegally who do not pay any federal taxes. Additionally, the top 1% are paying almost half of all of the taxes, they are paying around 40%. We will go from half of the people paying all of the taxes to all of the people, including the people who are here illegally and visitors, paying 3% on a sales tax. We also have the lumpenproletariat who pay no taxes, when you throw them into the mix, our national sales tax is going to generate a lot of money for the government. For the people who say the rich shoud pay more, they will; the rich buy expensive goods so the 3% tax on a $30 million yacht will cost $900,000 in taxes. You paying taxes on your economy car will be about $500, so it works out proportionately. We will have more than enough money to keep our government running because no matter how much we give the government, it always wants more. A trillion of our dollars, every year, goes to everyone but us, it goes to foreign governments, foreign wars, etc., if the government needs more money, it can cut back on that spending. Anyway, with more of our money in our own pocket, we will spend more and generate a lot of tax money, the government will be fine. Congress shall not create any additional taxes; the only tax on the people is the one and only national sales tax, no other federal taxes.
Furthermore, the federal government can do as it has always done before 1913, before we had the federal income tax (which they lied and said would only be for the rich), it can use excise taxes, tariffs, various customs duties, and institute fair trade agreements to raise money.
*Property taxes can only be collected when a property is sold, otherwise, the person who has paid off the property would never own it. Right now, a property that has been paid-in-full, can still be taken away from grandma if she does not pay the taxes on her property every year. It is wrong for a person to lose their home to taxes after spending 30 years paying it off. Taxes shall only be paid on the property when the property is sold, that's it. If property is given to someone or inherited, then no taxes are owed.
Repurpose the IRS to collect the national sales tax from the businesses that will be collecting the national sales tax. No more collection of individual income taxes, etc., and at the passing of this bill, taxes owed shall be paid for the last time, and the 3% sales tax can be implemented immediately, as soon as feasibly possible.
We, the people, require that the federal government shall not spend more than its income. It is required to maintain a balance between the projected receipts and expenditures of the government every year beginning immediately upon the "Fix It" bill being ratified so that the next year's budget will be balanced. Every year, the budget shall start from zero and budget from zero to the actual required expenditures. Every state in the United States has a balanced budget in their constitution, except for Vermont, and if the states can do it, the federal government should certainly be doing it.
Terminate cost plus, cost plus fixed fee, cost plus incentive fee, cost plus reimbursement fee contracts. All government contractors shall submit a bid and stick to their proposed schedule and price. If the contractor who won the bid is unable to fulfill the contract then the contractor is taken off of the contract and the contract goes to the runner up. The contractor who was taken off the contract shall not be allowed to bid for another government contract for 10 years.
Voters Holiday shall be one full day to vote from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Voter integrity enforced, paper ballots.
No early mail-in voting, with exceptions for the military and verified disabled persons.
State-issued ID or Driver's license required to be presented to the poll workers at the time of voting for signature comparison when the voter signs the registry.
Only United States Citizen shall be allowed to vote in local, state, and federal elections.
No automatic voter registration when applying for driver's license or other government benefits because there is no citizenship verification, which means when the ballots are mailed out, they are also mailed to illegal aliens who are then allowed to vote through ballot harvesting and it makes it impossible to trace any fraudulent vote. Currently, 24 states, California is one of them, and Washington, D.C., already have automatic voter registration at their DMVs and welfare agencies.
Any state or local government that allows persons who have entered the country illegally to vote or receive a driver's license shall not receive any government funding until all of the persons who are living in their locality illegally, are return to their home countries. All government funding shall cease immediately, as long as the locality continues to harbor or support illegal immigration. Any legal citizen living in a sanctuary city has legal standing to file a lawsuit against the local or state government for damages and to have the immigration laws enforced in their locality. The local or state government has one week after the judgment to either pay damages to the plaintiff or work with immigration to remove the illegal immigrants. There is no limit on the amount of money in damages that the plaintiff can sue the government for in his/her lawsuit; class-actions shall also be allowed.
Voting shall not be stopped or postponed for any reason. If pipes burst or whatever, all of the voting materials will be accounted for by assigned observers and shall be moved to another secure location with all ballot counters and observers present for the entire moving process. Voting shall occur even during war or pandemic; during these events, voting shall still be done in person with State-issued ID enforced. Voting is an American institution and shall always occur as scheduled, using paper ballots, and all ballots shall be printed in English. Ballot harvesting is illegal and punishable by law with no less than five years in federal prison. Surveillance cameras shall be present at every precinct and location and monitored in real time wherever the ballots are cast and counted and a live stream shall be made available to broadcast from social media sites by influencers, networks, and any other interested party.
Ballot drop boxes are illegal and whoever sponsors ballot drop boxes shall be fined fifty million dollars for every ballot drop box that is found. Any existing drop boxes shall be removed before the next election. Any remaining ballot drop boxes found once an election has begun, the owner/sponsor, not the person who is in the leadership position of the drop box enterprise but the owner/sponsor (the person who funded the operation) shall be fined fifty million dollars for every ballot drop box found and shall serve a minimum of two years in prison for every ballot drop box found. The fine(s) shall be split evenly among the citizen(s) who documented and reported the drop box(es), the court hearing the case, and the federal government.
Parents shall be given federal vouchers so that they can send their children to the school of their choice. Schools would have to compete for students, thereby giving children the best chances to succeed. Neighborhood parents can even pool their vouchers together to hire teachers to privately teach their kids. Private teachers must sign up on a national registry and upload their credentials in order to be eligible to receive the vouchers as a private teacher. The federal government will no longer send payments to the states, the money will be sent directly to the parents in the form of a voucher and can only be redeemed by credentialed teachers or schools for the grades of pre-school through the 12th grade. Eliminate the Department of Education, it was created in May 1980, during the Jimmy Carter administration, so it is a very new department that is unnecessary. We have never needed it. It works against our best interests. Religious schools are allowed to receive the vouchers, as well.
Did you know that we pay into Social Security all of our lives but when you die, only your spouse can collect it? And the amount is not what you think it is going to be. We have an employee whose uncle died at the age of 56, he had been working since he was 16, his wife only received a $249 total payout. This same employee took care of her mother the last 13 years of her mother's life but didn't receive anything from her mother's Social Security because adult children are not entitled to receive a deceased parents Social Security benefits, even though the child took care of the parent.
Most people have been paying thousands of dollars, in some cases, millions of dollars, into social security but your spouse is limited to whatever the Social Security Administration calculates that the surviving spouse is going to be allotted to receive.
How do we fix Social Security to make sure that the money we put into it ALL goes to the loved ones we want it to go to? We have to take Social Security away from the government. It has always been a hoax to steal money from us since its inception. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt announced that he was going to establish Social Security, he first wanted to know what was the average lifespan of an American citizen. He was told it was below 60 years of age, so he set the age to receive social security benefits to 65 with the expectation that the government would never have to live up to its promise because everyone would be dead before they could collect, so the government gets all of your money that you have been paying into the system all of your working life. To further prove that Social Security was never meant to be paid out, Congress is now talking about raising the age to collect Social Security. Why? Because they need for you to be dead so they don't have to payout, so now they are proposing to change the age to 70, some have even said 75, but the average lifespan of an American now is 76.4, so the worst case scenario for the government would be that it has to pay you for six years then you die, the best case is that it only has to pay you for a year. It has always been the plan that the government never intended to payout. That's why we need to handle our own money.
The "Fix It" Bill for Social Security would provide a list of the top 20 banks and credit unions (all American financial institutions) that have never been involved in any scandal or bailout and every individual can pick from that list which institution they want their money to go to. A minimum of 3% will be deducted from every paycheck and source of income and put into your personal account which you control and can review at any time, it is your bank account. You can increase your contribution to your Social Security or decrease it at any time with no limit on your deposit and no taxes, but you would not be able to withdraw it until you are 53. At the age of 53, you can choose to retire if you want to retire early, or you can withdraw your money at 53 and continue working, or you can choose not to withdraw your money and continue working and contributing to your Social Security account, at the age of 53 the choice is yours. If you die before you reach the age of 53, ALL of your Social Security savings will go to whomever you have designated as your beneficiary; it can go to a child or split among all of your children, your spouse, any family member or friend, it can even go to your pet or a charity. The point is, that it is your money and it can go wherever you want it to go.
What about the people who are receiving Social Security payments now? Well, the government promised us that your money was put into a lockbox so we are going to open the lockbox and take your money and deposit the money that is owed to you into one of the 20 financial institutions mentioned above and you will be able to name your beneficiaries.
Your 401k and IRAs, including Roth IRA, shall not be taxed and you can put as much money into it as you want without any penalties.
End the Suspicious Activity Report, it is only used by the government to go after American citizens who the government doesn't like. It is not used when well-connected people or politicians commit suspicious activities. We want the government to stop spying on our bank accounts and how we spend our money. No more reporting anything about our bank accounts unless there is a subpoena with just cause. End reporting deposits over a certain amount and cash purchases over a certain amount. Cash apps shall not report to the government about anyone's financial activities. If the government thinks someone is committing a crime, let them use other legal investigative techniques, as was done before the computer age -- criminals were still caught, even without computers. No more monitoring our bank accounts, cash apps, etc. No more reporting on who paid cash for a car or house or anything else that is a large or small purchase.
End the TSA and replace them with Sky Marshalls on the planes, they are trained professionals and can stop suspicious activity on a plane before it gets out of control. Terrorist can be caught using the dark web and other means. Many TSA agents can be retrained to be Sky Marshalls if they want to transition into that job. It is obvious that our government is not concerned about terrorist entering our country because we have had open borders since January 2021, when President Biden reversed all 64 border protections, as one of his first orders of business, that President Trump had implemented to protect our borders. Additionally, no more mandatory mask requirements on planes. If someone really believes that masks work, they can wear the mask which, according to them, will protect them from sickness, but no one can demand that someone else wear a mask. Wearing mask shall be a personal choice.
A central bank digital currency system shall never be allowed in the United States of America. It is an invasion of privacy and allows for the government to see every purchase we make and deny us services if the government deems that our spending habits are not in line with what the government wants us to spend our money on. Also forbidden, is the government forcing anyone to have chips implanted or make vaccines mandatory.
When a bill is submitted in Congress, it shall only address one issue and shall not be longer than 25 pages, including appendices, indices, exhibits, etc. Congress shall no longer be allow to pack each bill with pork (earmarks, non-related issues), which are usually political kickbacks or payoffs.
Obamacare was 33,000 pages and was 7 feet tall with billions of dollars that did not go to help you but other unrelated but very well-connected people or their organizations who received billions of dollars.
Every appropriation bill is packed with billions of dollars that goes to everyone but us. They can't find the money when we want a border wall or school vouchers but they can always find billions of dollars even trillions, when they want to, and they are able to do it by packing/hiding everything in appropriation bills or just any bill in general. This "Fix It" Bill stops all earmarks.
Also, all bills shall be referred to, by everyone including the media, congress, politicians (including everyone in the Executive Branch) by its legal congressional number. Naming bills are misleading and deceiving propaganda. For example, calling a bill, "Reduce Deficit Spending Bill" only to find out that the bill raises the deficit instead and creates billions of dollars in deficit spending, is deceitful and an inaccurate description of the bill, therefore, all bills shall be called and referenced by their congressional number only.
United State Senators and United States House of Representatives shall be limited to serving only one term in Congress. The term shall last three years. Every Congress person who has already served more than six years in Congress shall not be allowed to run for reelection effective immediately upon ratification of this 28th Amendment. The serving term of Senators has been reduced to three years and the Representatives terms have been increased to three years. The count of persons for the apportionment of the Representatives for the House of Representatives shall be limited to only legal United States Citizens, therefore the United States Census shall only count legal United States Citizens for the official record of United States citizens. The Census, in its own discretion, can count the number of people in the country illegally, if it so chooses, but those numbers shall not be used for any government considerations for any policies or services. People who are in the country illegally shall be deported immediately. The Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (the "leaders") shall only serve as leaders for no more than the one term as described above. Once the leaders and members of Congress have served their one term, they shall not return to Congress in any capacity; that is, if a person serves a term in the House of Representatives, that same person shall not be allowed to run for the Senate and vice versa. However, once their term is completed and they are no longer serving in Congress, they are allowed to run for President, if they so choose.
Additionally, the leaders and the members of Congress shall not work for a lobbying firm or a print or broadcast media company for 15 years after leaving Congress. Any person in Congress can run for President of the United States of America but only after they are no longer in office, their term has ended before they file papers to run for President of the United States of America. After leaving Congress, no Congress members, at any time, shall work for any company that they were a regulator for or were on an oversight committee for that company. Congress shall not trade any stocks while in office; the stocks that they have when they enter office shall remain the only stocks that they have until they leave office, they shall not buy, sell, or trade stocks during their incumbency.
The emoluments clause shall only apply to a businessperson if the businessperson who is elected as the President of the United States of America made a business deal for his/her company that would not have happened had that person not been President of the United States of America. The businessperson shall not actively pursue business deals while holding the office of the President of the United States of America, however, his/her companies shall be allowed to continue to conduct business as usual with a person appointed by the businessperson/President-elect, to run the company in his/her absence; the company shall still be allowed to consult with the President about business matters when necessary because the President will be returning to his/her business after serving as President and will need the company to be, at least, at the same level of success as it was when the businessperson entered office. No one should be punished by loss of business for serving as the President of the United States of America.
Congress shall not exclude themselves from any laws made by them. Effective immediately, Congress shall no longer have government funded private healthcare plans, they must immediately select an Affordable Care Act health plan also known as Obamacare. Or Congress can create a new health care bill. Either way, whatever healthcare bill is in place, all members of Congress are not exempt from it and must pick a new plan from the Affordable Care Act and join it effective immediately upon ratification of this 28th Amendment, if not done immediately, any constituent has legal standing to file for damages against the Congressperson for all of the medical expenses the constituent has paid to date since the Affordable Care Act has been in effect and the Congressperson must pay for the constituents medical bill and legal fees.
No Congress member is allowed to make any investments, trades, or buy and sell stock while in office, nor shall any of their immediate family members. Other family members and friends will draw suspicion if they make unrealistic gains in the stock market either by investing in a new company or buying or selling stock in a company that is affected by an upcoming government decision which the general public is not aware of due to it being insider information.
If Congress shuts down the government because the budget is not completed, then every Congress member shall lose pay and shall not be reimbursed, for every day that the government is shut down. All government employees shall continue to be paid and all payments that are due shall continue to be made on time during the shutdown. Any payments that need to be adjusted, can be adjusted after the new budget is finalized. Additionally, if a shutdown occurs, the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader shall immediately be replaced with a vote occurring the day after the budget deadline is missed. If a Speaker of the House and Senate Majority leader are not chosen the first day after the budget is missed, then the person who has received the most votes in each chamber shall become the temporary leaders until an official vote can pick the new leaders. The current leaders shall not be eligible for reelection as the leaders. Business will continue as usual with the temporary leaders until a vote picks the official leaders. Any constituent has legal standing to file a lawsuit against Congress if this procedure is not followed the next day as outlined; class action lawsuits are also eligible.
End all federal subsidies and corporate bailouts. The government is picking winners and losers based on the company's political connections and many small companies and community banks have gone out of business without a bailout from the government because they did not have political ties. It is an unfair system that only helps the well-connected. The failing businesses shall be left available to be bought out by any interested company. If the failing businesses owes money to its clients, then the business that bought it out shall be responsible for those payments.
Any company that has a government contract shall only hire American citizens and shall not outsource any jobs to foreign nations. If a businessowner owns more than one company, only the company that has received the government contract is obligated to hire only American citizens and not outsource; his/her other, non-government contracted businesses, are under no such obligation.
Professionals do not have to belong to a membership to work in their profession. If their profession requires a license from the state to practice their profession, then that is all that is required to be able to work. If other licensures are required in their field to demonstrate expertise, that is sufficient as well. Lawyers do not have to join a bar association unless they want to, as this is a political association. Neither do doctors have to join a medical association for the same reason. Professionals shall not lose their license or be refused a license based upon their political beliefs. Nor shall any business, federal, state, and/or local government, impose a gag order or threaten loss of employment because of a person's political belief. The government (federal, state, and local) shall not interfere with any information being disseminated on social media even if the government believes that the information being disseminated is vile, misinformation, or disinformation. The government's solution to this would be more information but the government shall not take control of social media companies nor impose any rules or restrictions on the free speech that is taking place on social media. Hate speech is free speech and shall not be banned or punished unless it includes: plans or instructions for attack; organizing or showing up at a person's place of employment or home with a group of people to intimidate the person under attack; giving out personal information, such as someone's home address or the name of the school of the child of the person being attacked, and the like; this act is punishable by five years in federal prison.
Immigration. Before any immigrant, who is seeking citizenship, is allowed into our country, it must be established that they love America and will be proud to be an American citizen and will uphold American values, and not work against America's interests. They must not hold beliefs that are contrary to American beliefs. For example, their goal shall not be to convert Americans to their religious belief, they shall not believe that women are second class citizens or that women do not have any rights and shall not hold any other significant beliefs that are contrary to American beliefs. America shall no longer accept asylum seekers from any country, including Mexico and Canada. Asylum seekers shall go to the country that is nearest to their country for asylum. If an asylum seeker shows up at the U.S. boarder without seeking asylum from the nearest country to them, they shall be detained onsite until there are enough immigrants from the same country or region to fill up a plane then they shall be returned to their country at the expense of the asylum seeker's country. There shall not be more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) immigrants admitted per year. All persons seeking to immigrate to the United States of America shall be able to speak and read English, love our country, are able to pay for their own care, are not eligible for any government assistance or care. It is illegal to rent or sell property to any person who is in the country illegally. Sanctuary cities are illegal and federal government funding to those cities shall stop immediately until the city is in compliance. All persons who enter the country illegally shall be returned to their home country immediately. Also, local authorities shall cooperate and comply with federal authorities if federal authorities are upholding our immigration laws. The foreign country of the foreign national shall be billed to pay all costs incurred while the foreign national is in the United States illegally, including the costs to return the person to their home country and any expenses incurred. If we are subsidizing or have trade agreements with the country where the foreign national is from, the money shall be deducted from the subsidy or the trades. Children who are born in America to Ambassadors from other countries already inherit the birthright of the Ambassador and the same shall continue apply to all foreign nationals despite the fact that this has not been enforced for decades, it shall be enforced retroactively and going forward from the time this 28th Amendment is approved. Any President who does not enforce the immigration laws in our Constitution is guilty of treason.
Medication. Currently, if a medication costs $3 and you pay cash, it will cost you $6, that same medication will cost you $20 in a copayment if you have insurance. Why not just pay cash? You can't because if you have health insurance, it is against regulations for a doctor to tell you that it is cheaper to pay cash. If the doctor let's you know that you can get the medication cheaper by paying cash, the doctor can lose his/her license. Our regulations are designed to hurt us; they rarely help any of us! The 28th Amendment makes it mandatory for doctors to inform you that you can get a drug cheaper if you pay cash.
Regulations. The EPA, state and/or local regulatory agencies ("regulator(s)") shall not stop a development project by an American company that has an American founder and owner. Development projects include housing, buildings, drilling for oil, fracking, etc., this is a non-exhaustive list. The regulators shall only serve to make a project feasible. If any one of the regulators, or all, find that a project will harm the environment, it collectively, has a total of 30 days to present a plan that will allow the project to go forward that saves the environment. Regulators do not get 30 days each, it is a concurrent 30 days for all of the regulators, from the date that the first regulator in any group voices an objection to the plan, either in writing or verbally, the time allowed to present a solution is 30 days total, that is combined with all of the groups, regardless of when another regulator voices or presents an objection, the deadline is still 30 days from the first objection being presented or voiced. If the regulators cannot come up with a solution that is feasible, within 30 days, the project goes forward as planned with the developer taking care to protect the environment and using workaround solutions to not harm the habitats of the animals living there. The regulators' solution cannot bankrupt the developer, nor shall it take more than six months for the developer to be able to implement the regulator's solution, if either of these apply, then the recommendation shall be void and the developer can go forward with the project without any further delays.
There shall always only be nine Supreme Court Justices at any given time, and they will each serve life terms.
Stop victims from being victimized twice. Any person injured while breaking any rules, regulations or laws, or is injured in the commission of a crime (collectively, "crime") cannot sue for any injury, injuries, or fatality (collectively, "injury") that occurred in the commission of the crime whether the injury was caused by an accident or intentional. Nor can any family member or representative sue for damages on behalf of themselves or the injured person who committed the crime. However, the victim can sue the person who committed the crime against him/her for damages and press charges.
Protesters cannot prevent the free speech of others. Any protester who attends an event for the sole purpose of disrupting the event to prevent attendees from hearing a speaker shall be tried and, if found guilty, shall receive a sentence of no less than two years in federal prison. Disrupting an event includes physically harming the speaker or attendees, blocking the speaker or attendees from attending the event, spitting on or throwing anything at the speaker or attendees, making noises to prevent the speaker from being heard, and/or destroying property. Counter protestors shall be allowed to be heard in a different location, either at the same time of the event they are protesting or at a later time. If they are holding a counter protest at the same time of the event they are protesting, the counter protest shall be at least five miles from the protest they are opposing.
Public figures (entertainers, business leaders, the President of the United States, politicians, influencers, and any other public figures, hereinafter known as "Plaintiff") have claims for defamation and can sue for libel and slander whether the person or entity ("Defendant") who disseminated the false information was made with or without malice. Defendant can avoid a lawsuit if they retract the statement on the front page of the media Defendant used to disseminate the original information. The retraction and apology must receive the same headline print of the original story and it is printed in this manor for seven consecutive days and includes an obsequious apology or, if not in print, using the same media that the slanderous or libelous information was disseminated and placing its priority at the beginning of the broadcast before the first break, for seven consecutive days. While in office, politicians shall not lie on political opponents, bills, reasons for war, etc., in general, they shall not lie about political things, if they do, any citizen represented by that politician has standing to sue the politician to make a correction and present the truth and the politician must pay all legal fees and shall not be eligible for reelection.
The country shall never be shut down, regardless of the event, and the government shall not mandate vaccines.
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